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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

God Does Not Say 'Oops!'

About months ago, I was cutting off the withered leaves of a plant when accidentally, I drew the scissor to the wrong leaf, not to mention, the green healthy leaf fell on the floor helpless. I heard myself say 'Aiii', if only was I careful enough to look through the clustered leaves, then I could have saved that healthy leaf. One line flashed instantly in my mind, it was from the article I read days before that time. It  related a story about a child who came home one Sunday afternoon  after attending the children's Sunday school at their local church. She eagerly shared what she learned from her teacher to her family. She very well remembered and shared to them that God doesn't say 'Oops!'. Adorably cute and childish though but true enough! The line might sound childish; but somehow, it brings with it sense. It goes to say that there is nothing that has happened in one's life that is an accident, a slight error or a tiny thing overlooked by God.
Romans 8:28 says 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.' Now, if you've been living your life with regrets of past failures, mistakes, unwanted circumstances, or vicious habits and have been wanting to change the course of your life, then it is time to hear, listen, take to heart what the Bible says. These negative experiences and erroneous habitual acts can be used by God to make your life into a better, brighter and happier one. It may sound too good to be true but if you put your faith in Jesus as your Savior and Lord, and that His finished work on the cross can free you from the bondage of sin and gives you the gift of eternal life even clothes you of His righteousness, then you would truly experience the liberating power of this truth.
This truth is put into one word-- Grace. Grace is God's unmerited or undeserved favor to everyone of us. Yet, it is only effective to those who decide to believe, accept and rest on it. This may sound so simple, lacking challenge and seems like an old tell-tale; however, you can experience its tremendous effect in your life once you do it. How do you do it? You ask and invite Jesus to come take His place in your heart, live in your life and be your Lord and Savior. Tell Him wholeheartedly that you want to leave behind those things which are displeasing in His sight. Speak to Him and let Him know how much you need Him to save you from the cyclic wicked and perverted works you have been doing since then. Allow Him to be your Lord, to be your life's Pilot. Thank Him that His obedience to the Father, manifested through His death on the cross has availed you of total forgiveness of your sins-- past, present and future sins. Tell Him that you believe that His precious blood cleanses you from all unrighteousness and that through His wounds you are healed from any form of infirmity, lack and inadequacy. In Christ you are complete because He is the real Manna or the Living Bread for your soul. End your prayer by saying 'I ask this in Your name, Amen.'
The prayer itself is not the one that can save you rather your faith in Jesus. God sees your heart of faith and He does honor it. He does honor the plea of a humble heart, a sober spirit. And because He honors it, He grants it. He has already given Jesus(heaven's best) for you and me, and He is out reaching for you; He is out  waiting for you to come home and be in His loving arms again. That is the heart of our Heavenly Father.
Remember, your life is precious that it has to be redeemed from the grip of sin and spiritual death through the precious life and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember therefore that with you and about you, God never says 'Oops!'